mirror of faces
Mirror of faces
mirror of faces
mirror of faces




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you down wit the clown

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let the site be rebuilt !
can i get anymore lame..... or illiterate hahaha fuck i'm stupid ..... send me some hate mail pigs DarkLotus@BongMail.com

i once met this guy who got into an accedent with his family. he lost his wife,kids,legs,and penis. he was crying. and he looked up at me and asked me for a glass of water. i said WHAT ARE YOUR LEGS FUCKING BROKEN GET IT YOURSELF. he was obviously depressed so i got him the water and he told me about his accedent. and said he was depressed. my advise to him... and to anyone else in that situation to just walk it off. what else can ya do. just get up and walk it off. sure ya don't have legs. rub some dirt on those nubs and get going... pussy.