mirror of faces
Mirror of faces
mirror of faces
mirror of faces




more huh

even more

you down wit the clown

views of the mirror

yep the rants are here
i know in other parts of the page i said the rants whould be there but i lied... there gunna be here


~~~~~THE CDC~~~~~

by Caliban Darklock

__/////// -cDc- CULT OF THE DEAD COW -cDc- /__
/ Everything You Need Since 1986 ///////
___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___

What does cDc stand for?

I hear this from a co-worker, who sees the sticker on my car.

And I got the sticker in Georgetown, and I don't know who put it there.

And I remember being a little thrilled that someone else who was into cDc
decided to vandalise my car.

And three or four other people, the smokers who have come outside to feed
their little drug habit, also seem interested.

And I say it's sort of a hacker organisation.

And they ask me if I'm a member, and I say no.

And they ask why not, and I say because they have never invited me.

And then they say I should go and ask to be a member, and I tell them that
would be lame.

And they ask why.

And I don't know how to explain it, so I tell them if they don't get it,
they don't get it.

And then they repeat themselves, what does cDc stand for?

And I tell them it's the Cult of the Dead Cow.

And they say no, what does it *stand* for?

And I tell them it's about being who you want to be and thinking what you
want to think.

And they say oh, anarchists.

And I don't know how exactly they define anarchists, so I ask them what
they mean.

And they say something vague about radical libertarians, which tells me
that they don't know what an anarchist is either.

And they ask if it's a gen-X thing, and I'm tired of talking about it so I
say yeah.

And then they ahhh, and nod their heads knowingly, like that explains

And then they ask if I'm not just a little... OLD to be involved in things
like cDc.

And I tell them I'm not really involved, I just like what they stand for,
and have the sticker on my car.

And they ask what cDc stands for again.

And this confuses me, because this is where we started.

And I try to give them an analogy.

And I say, imagine that you are a farmer.

And they say, okay.

And I say, imagine that you raise cows.

And they say, all right.

And I say, then when the cows are grown, you have them slaughtered and
dressed by a butcher into nice clean cuts of steak.

And they say, gross.

And I wonder why people always feel compelled to say that, but I don't ask.

And I say, now you take those steaks to the market, and people buy them.

And they say, uh-huh. They're wondering where this is going.

And I say, they don't just eat it raw, they take it and barbecue it and put
sauces and spices and things on it.

And they say, mm-hmm. They still don't get it.

And I say, this is what happens to ideas.

And they say, huh? They don't understand.

And I say, when you have an idea, it is a cow. And when you present it to
someone else, it is a dead cow.

And they nod, stupidly.

And I say, then whoever you presented it to, he pretties it up and makes it
something nice and clean.

And they nod again.

And I say, then he gives it to someone else, and they pretty it up and make
it something they think is good.

And they scratch their heads.

And I say, so what you see on the news, that's a steak dinner. It's pretty
and clean and tastes better than raw beef.

And they look even more confused.

And I say, but in the beginning, that was a dead cow, it was raw
information exactly the way it started out.

And then they seem to start getting the picture.

And I say, that's what cDc is about. You don't go to cDc and get a steak.
You get a dead cow. It's fresh and raw and not always pretty.

And then recognition dawns in their eyes, and they seem to understand it,
and they nod, and smile, like it's a big accomplishment.

And then they go about their happy little lives, and they watch the news,
and occasionally they think of that analogy.

And they laugh, and think it's amusing, while they watch the butcher's best
work; all the fat trimmed, all the bones removed.

And I sit around on the net, and I read the things you have to say, and the
things other people have to say.

And sometimes I think about these poor people with their steak dinners, who
don't know what the dead cow really is.

And they get their little pre-packaged meat products and think they're
plugged into the world's news.

And I know better.

And they don't.

And it's sad, but I can't really fix it.

And I know that someday, this whole thing will happen again, with different
people, asking what cDc stands for.

And I leave the cDc sticker on my car anyway, and I hope someday someone
might see it and understand.

And instead of asking what cDc stands for, I hope someone will tell me
someday that they like cDc too.

And maybe we can go sit in a coffee place that's not Starbucks and drink
real black coffee that costs 89 cents with free refills.

And we can talk, and maybe I can trade a few dead cows with him, and we'll
both go away a little smarter.

And I look at the sticker when I get in the car, and I think, maybe I *am*
too old for this.

And I think about it some more, and I think perhaps it's not worth
suffering fools just on the off chance someone will understand.

And I think about it even more, and I decide to take the sticker off.

And I get home, and I forget to take the sticker off.

And then I remember later, and I don't feel like getting up and doing it.

And then I go out to the car to go back to work, and I see the sticker.

And I like that sticker, dammit.

And I leave it on.

power over the masses
When faced with the subersion of an organized ruling body, external actions even when executed in concert, as a group -- is often ineffectual. True revolution can only come from working within, and in this the ultimate change that can be brought about by an individual is magnified by the very machinery that such orginizations utilize to maintain their own authority. Historically, ruling bodies are always outnumbered by those they rule -- but still they manage to maintain a disproprtionate amount of power through a combination of tradition, confusion, and punishment. An operative who learns to simulate the veneer of a loyalist and guard their own secret heart can utilize those very same tools to overthrow such organizations, or shift them to a more ideollogical pleasing axis.
the BULLSHIT war on drugs

End the War On Drugs
Washington, D.C.

Enough is enough.

The Federal Supreme Court now seems to think that it can judge are right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness away. Next, they will strip the states of their rights to govern and we'll have one huge centralized corrupt government with a government appointed leader. Police can now arrest and detain anyone for any reason if they care to. All they have to do is write up a traffic ticket and that is that. The Supreme Court says that's okay; is it? This country was designed to have built in safeguards to protect the citizens from having to live under an all powerful regime of oppressors where
financial and social status is everything. Well, what makes a person
powerful and influential today?

The Federal Government keeps increasing funding for Police. Since, when is that even a Federal matter. They keep increasing these funds with the "War On Drugs" (WOD, as in WOD of crap) as their excuse. This in turn is said to help save are kids from the evils of drugs. Yet, every year thousands of children are taught about drugs in Federal sponsored "drug education" programs. Where to kids learn about how to approach sex? There is no difference here.

Every year thousands of families fall apart due to this war on our own people. Mom's and Dad's are stripped from there children when the children need them most. This war is no different than a full-out civil war. The key difference is the fact that the casualties are locked away from their freedom with no cause being fought for. This continues to create the struggle of urban and social plight in our own communities.

We have a new growth industry in our land. You probably know what it is. It's the privatized prison system. This is not the only place were money is being made in the name of the WOD. The local police can take everything a person owns if they have two bags with the same illegal substance in them both. Why? Because, this is called attempting to sell. This means they are a drug dealer and everything they own was bought with drug money and they can sell it all off and use the money to fund the local police division. With that in mind, it is easy to see why police are so eager to stereotype people who have a basic appearance. If any one of us harassed people, stole their property, mistreated or abused people who fit a certain image or held certain ideas, it would be called a HATE CRIME. But, the police do not do this out of hate for a group (some might) they do this out of greed. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins. And to be honest, it is killing this country.

Most of us do not want a revolution (it is punishable by law now). We only want the Government to calm down and let people do what people are going to do regardless of the law. That is why we are going to have a peaceful march on Washington DC and exercise our right to assemble and to speak out on why the WOD is a scam being pulled on the people of America by the people we elected to serve US. This March will be on Sat. April 20, 2002. This will allow more people to come out and avoid conflicts with people who work in the DC area. We are also asking that those who live in states far from the capitol and can not make the trip to march to your state capitols and let them know that the states still have more say on this issue than the federal government does.

Because of the general nature of people who hold high offices, there may be a chance that the national guard may be sent upon us. Please do not worry. This is a cause worth fighting for. The WOD must end if liberty is to prevail. We are only going to speak our mind. We wish to avoid all physical confrontation with the military because we know who would win that war. This is a discussion on the issue of legalization and decriminalization of drugs--period.

If we could make one choice for ourselves, a personal choice, a chemical choice, we could set millions free from captivity. We could set millions free from fear of the local police. We could set millions free from social oppression. We could set millions free to go raise their children. We could set millions free from their infinite loop of crime. If we could make that one choice...we could set millions free.

For More Information:
Web Site:


pro marijuana ? write me at DarkLotus@bongmail.com

THE i incurage any rants you have for pro marijuana... i havent found anyone to write one yet.... i will post the first good one i get...
::::the old text that was here got fucked up and i am unable to get it back... so i'll have t eather write something =( or get someone else to put there opion up :::::

my rant on recycling.... it think it's the first for the page
recycle... i think not
Comparing and contrasting TO RECYCLE OR NOT TO RECYCLE Well some may say you should recycle to help the environment. I would agree with those people if I thought it would make a big enough difference. “Nobody made a greater-mistake then he who did nothing because he could only do a little” - Edmund Burke. Well, I would just like to say recycling is just delaying the inevitable. I recycle all the time, but what does that do for me, nothing. I will be long gone before this earth is covered in it’s own waste. People recycle everyday because they feel bad for the environment or for some other odd ball reason.; I don’t agree with helping the environment. I feel that life is like a circle of Nature wasn’t intended to last forever. Nothing in nature is. Everything in nature dies. People die, trees rot and some day the earth will be empty of life. Some might not like it but that’s life. People don’t like to think about death because it reminds them of there own mortality. “Those who fear are lost”- Sting. All things have to come to an end. Earth is no different. Unlike most things in nature the planet will most likely live on longer then anything else. The only way people would overcome this barrier would be to come up with some way to live for millions of years, and with accidents the average person wouldn’t have much of a chance to out live a planet. “Nothing is more dangerous then an idea if it’s the only one you have.”- Alain (d. 1951). People are so concerned with the environment that it doesn’t make sense. Why be a vegetarian do you know how much meat goes to waste in the United States everyday butchers are not going to stop-killing cows just; because a few people decide they are not going to eat them. Butchers make money on the raw material of meat. Money is power and meat companies make plenty of it! The sale of produce is a major product for the United States and if you don’t eat it someone else will. “It is pure illusion to think that an opinion which passes down from century to century, from generation to generation, may not be entirely false” Pierre Bayle (1682). Just, because it has been told to you all your life that the environment is important to you or that by you doing your part you are helping your children and your children’s children. Do you know how much wood and coal was burnt throughout the world’s history? I don’t and I doubt most people do. The thought that this earth will last forever is a feeble one. All I’m saying is you don’t have to try to save the world. People have no natural enemy except for germs. Humans are the predators of all animals, and the earth’s natural enemy. Mankind has overcome the earth like a disease spreading death and destroying forests leaving only waste in its wake. In politics, an absurdity is not an impediment. :: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) :: “People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character.” Emerson (1860). I doubt saving cans and plastic will help the earth much. Unless, we suddenly run out of either. I think that it’s nothing more then a ploy to lower the cost of both. I am glad that the government it looking out for our needs. Mankind needs to think about itself more than needs of the environment. You may think that is selfish, but I would like to state I think that trying to save the earth just so your children and their children’s children is selfish. “There is no selfless good deed” Joey (from “Friends”). “Where misunderstanding serves others as an advantage one is helpless to make oneself understood” Lionel Trilling The liberal imagination (1950). You might not agree with me now or ever; but, my opinion is my own and that is how I feel! I write this in the hope that some day someone will agree with me and choose plastic over paper; hell, I don’t expect any favors from nature “Murmur at nothing: if our ills are repairable, it is ungrateful if remedies, it is vain”. Shakespeare. What has nature ever done for any of us? I would like to point out all the disease famine and death our so-called “mother earth” has caused floods tornadoes and other natural disasters. I say nature is going to get what’s coming to it. “Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.” Carlyle (1795-1881). Just because the environment is a clear issue to us doesn’t make it an important one. I would like to re ideate my idea of the human race as a plague on this planet. I don’t think where trying to destroy or intently harm our habitat it is just out nature as a species. As soon as we find another host (planet) we will do the same to it until it’s recourses are all sued up and it is no longer of any use and then we will move on. This is nothing to be ashamed of. Everything has it’s natural enemy; and just how germs kill other germs as such people do the same to people we all have out purpose in nature. Last I would like to state that every one has there own opinion and if you don’t agree with mine I’m glad! I’m happy someone is thinking for them selves although I would hope someone agrees with me. Also in no way am I saying to go out and start destroying rain forests, and to start killing animals for the hell of it. That would just be stupid. We all need this planet to thrive so we can survive. “Eternity is a mere moment, just long enough for a joke”.- Hermann Hesse. So in closing if I only had one thing to say to you or one point to prove by going on about not recycling it is think about what your doing. Don’t just follow along nodding your head at whatever everyone else thinks is right think for yourself, and always remember your opinion. For, dear me, why abandon a belief Merely because it ceases to be true? Cling to it long enough, and not a doubt It will turn true again, for so it goes. -Robert Frost

and thats all got for now